Hair piece for men

Hair Piece for men : Worried What Others May Think If You Wear one?

We all have that one uncle, or co-worker that still thinks their old hair piece is fooling everyone.
It is a common misconception that you can pick out a hair piece a mile away. We can say with certainty that you have seen one before… given how incredible they can be, you were none the wiser.

The Invisible Truth

Mane Systems uses handmade hair pieces for men, crafted from 100%, Remy hair. This means that not only is your hair piece made from high-grade human hair, the processing to keep it looking natural is minimal.
Other key features of our hair piece for men include:
>  Soft, natural looking hairline available in full or receding hairlines,
> Natural recession and medium/light density ensure it stays looking fuller for longer
> A full range of colour’s that blend into your own
> Quality assured, 100% human hair which prevents matting and tangling
The team at Mane Systems are able to help with styling and ongoing maintenance. Ensuring your best kept secret not only stays a secret but is easy and hassle free.
The real game changer is that the base of  Mane System’s are made from a transparent textured, polyurethane material. This makes it fully transparent and so it blends with natural skin tone.
See our range of hair pieces for men here

You May Not Be in Your Twenties… Remembering That Hair Lines Age Too

Discretion and confidence are some of our top values. In keeping with this we can make suggestions on how best to style and look after your new hair piece. If you are still wondering if this is the right decision for you, here are a few of our best practice’s when we are looking after our clients.
Many believe that starting with a longer style will improve the life of their hair piece. The more manageable it is, the longer it will last and the more fun it will be for you.
Placement of the systems hairline is also important. It is rare for a middle aged or older man to have the hairline of a man in his twenties. Which is why we make realistic recommendations based on your expectations and your original hairline. Our hair replacement systems come in both full and recessive shapes, so there are more flexible options for guys of any age, looking for a style that will feel appropriate.
Once you walk out the door you are not on your own. In line with your investment with us, we take your happiness seriously. To ensure both of these needs are met we encourage asking as many questions as possible. From how to style your hair system, what products are best and where to turn to if you run into any issues.

Need a Little Extra Confidence?

Our Blog series has been created with you in mind and our website and social pages are full of great content. If you need a little more why not book a consultation so you can see and feel our hair systems for yourself?
As for your family, friends and co-workers… they may only notice the difference in you, not the hair piece you are wearing. If they do, they will more than likely be just as happy as we are that you finally decided to do something about your hair loss.
Remember, those who matter, don’t mind and those that do, don’t matter.
Simply fill in the form below to book a consultation.